Thursday, May 25, 2006


The Fatal Snub

This has nothing to do with my trip here in England and everything to do with tragic comedy.

Apparently on Mount Everest last week at least 40 people hiked past and did nothing for a dying man, David Sharp.

So forty people saw him. Here at Sterngitsrdun we have an actual record of the collective thoughts of those who passed Mr. Sharp by:

he's a goner. the peak is a few hundred yards away. I didn't come here for charity. why is this guy climbing alone? do poor people every dream of climbing? Is David Sharp's name Top Mount Everest, no. why does my wife even like me?

So these various souls continued on their way to reach the summit. Sharp was suffering from oxygen deficiency. I don't know what assistance they could offer. Apparently the other climbers did not know either.

I have not attempted to climb anything but a corporate ladder. No extra oxygen needed. Just an appetite for bullshit, horse poo and sniffing the occasionaly penguin anus.

I got that last one from March of the Penguins aka Penguin Porn.

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